SFI Seed Mixtures for SAM3:
Herbal Leys

Use these seed mixtures to provide varied root structures which help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology, and fertility on land entered into the SAM3 SFI action.

For more information about the application of these SFI seed mixtures or to place an order, please call 01233 720871 or email Andrew Bourne or Anelia Clarkson.

SAM3 | Basic Herbal Ley

20% |  6kg/ha | L PRG KENDAL

20% |  6kg/ha | L PRG CANCAN

15% |  4.5kg/ha | FESTULOLIUM (M/F)

7.5% |  2.25kg/ha | TALL FESCUE

7.5% |  2.25kg/ha | TIMOTHY

5% |  1.5kg/ha | MEADOW FESCUE

10% |  3kg/ha | ROZETA RED CLOVER

2.5% |  0.75kg/ha | WHITE CLOVER (LL)

1.5% |  0.45kg/ha | (ML) WHITE CLOVER

1% |  0.3kg/ha | RIVENDELL (SL)

5% |  1.5kg/ha | SAINFOIN

0.5% |  0.15kg/ha | ALSIKE CLOVER

0.5% |  0.15kg/ha | BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL

2% |  0.6kg/ha | RIBGRASS

1% |  0.3kg/ha | CHICORY

0.5% |  0.15kg/ha | YARROW

0.5% |  0.15kg/ha | SALAD BURNET

100% |  30kg/ha 

SOWING RATE: 30kg/ha

SFI PAYMENT: £382/ha

KEY BENEFITS: Benefits to forage, livestock health, and soil fertility. Stress tolerance.


This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

You must not enter any area within a land parcel into this action that is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), because herbal leys are not appropriate for these settings and can cause significant damage, and/or contains historic or archaeological features identified in your SFI HEFER – read the information about historic and archaeological features, including scheduled monuments to find out more about the SFI HEFER.

You should also not enter any area of land into this action that has peaty soil because this action could damage peat. Peaty soil means there’s around 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SAM3 | Herbal Meadow Mix

17% |  5.1kg/ha | L PRG (D)

10% |  3kg/ha | I PRG (D)

10% |  3kg/ha | MEADOW FESCUE

5% |  1.5kg/ha | TIMOTHY

10% |  3kg/ha | S.S.M.G

13% |  3.9kg/ha | COCKSFOOT

10% |  3kg/ha | FESTULOLIUM (M/F)

3% |  0.9kg/ha | ALSIKE CLOVER

7% |  2.1kg/ha | ROZETA RED CLOVER

6% |  1.8kg/ha | SAINFOIN

5% |  1.5kg/ha | LUCERNE

0.5% |  0.15kg/ha | BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL

0.5% |  0.15kg/ha | SALAD BURNET

0.7% |  0.2kg/ha | RIBGRASS

1% |  0.3kg/ha | CHICORY

0.05% |  0.015kg/ha | SHEEPS PARSLEY

1% |  0.3kg/ha | FENUGREEK

0.25% |  0.075kg/ha | YARROW (AG)

100% |  30kg/ha 

SOWING RATE: 30kg/ha

SFI PAYMENT: £382/ha

KEY BENEFITS: Benefits to forage, livestock health, and soil fertility. Stress tolerance.


This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

You must not enter any area within a land parcel into this action that is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), because herbal leys are not appropriate for these settings and can cause significant damage, and/or contains historic or archaeological features identified in your SFI HEFER – read the information about historic and archaeological features, including scheduled monuments to find out more about the SFI HEFER.

You should also not enter any area of land into this action that has peaty soil because this action could damage peat. Peaty soil means there’s around 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SAM3 | Herbal Cutting/Silage Mix

27% |  8.1kg/ha | I PRG (T)

17% |  5.1kg/ha | FESCTULOLIUM (M/F)

15% |  4.5kg/ha | I PRG (D)

10% |  3kg/ha | COCKSFOOT

5% |  1.5kg/ha | TIMOTHY

5% |  1.5kg/ha | MEADOW FESCUE

10% |  3kg/ha | ROZETA RED CLOVER

2.5% |  0.75kg/ha | ALSIKE CLOVER

2.5% |  0.75kg/ha | (ML) WHITE CLOVER

4% |  1.2kg/ha | SALAD BURNET

2% |  0.6kg/ha | RIBGRASS

100% |  25kg/ha 

SOWING RATE: 25kg/ha

SFI PAYMENT: £382/ha

KEY BENEFITS: Benefits to forage, livestock health, and soil fertility. Stress tolerance.


This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

You must not enter any area within a land parcel into this action that is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), because herbal leys are not appropriate for these settings and can cause significant damage, and/or contains historic or archaeological features identified in your SFI HEFER – read the information about historic and archaeological features, including scheduled monuments to find out more about the SFI HEFER.

You should also not enter any area of land into this action that has peaty soil because this action could damage peat. Peaty soil means there’s around 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SAM3 | Heavy Land Herbal Ley

15.7% |  5kg/ha | MEADOW FESCUE

19% |  6.1kg/ha | CANCUN L PRG (D)

13.2% |  4.2kg/ha | TIMOTHY

7.2% |  2.3kg/ha | FESTULOLIUM (M/F)

8.5% |  2.7kg/ha | ESSENTIAL TALL FESCUE

10% |  3.2kg/ha | ROZETA RED CLOVER

2.85% |  0.9kg/ha | AURORA ALSIKE CLOVER

1.8% |  0.6kg/ha | YELLOW BLOSSOM CLOVER

1.4% |  0.4kg/ha | BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL

5% |  1.6kg/ha | WHITE CLOVER (LL)

2.85% |  0.9kg/ha | (ML) WHITE CLOVER

7.2% |  2.3kg/ha | CARAVELLE VETCH

1.7% |  0.5kg/ha | CHICORY

1.4% |  0.4kg/ha | RIBGRASS

0.75% |  0.2kg/ha | YARROW

0.75% |  0.2kg/ha | SHEEPS PARSLEY

0.75% |  0.2kg/ha | SALAD BURNET

100% |  32kg/ha 

SOWING RATE: 32kg/ha

SFI PAYMENT: £382/ha

KEY BENEFITS: Benefits to forage, livestock health, and soil fertility. Stress tolerance.


This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

You must not enter any area within a land parcel into this action that is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), because herbal leys are not appropriate for these settings and can cause significant damage, and/or contains historic or archaeological features identified in your SFI HEFER – read the information about historic and archaeological features, including scheduled monuments to find out more about the SFI HEFER.

You should also not enter any area of land into this action that has peaty soil because this action could damage peat. Peaty soil means there’s around 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SAM3 | Light Land Herbal Ley

22.5% |  5.6kg/ha | COCKSFOOT

16.5% |  4.1kg/ha | FESTULOLIUM (M/F)

10% |  2.5kg/ha | I PRG (T)

5% |  1.3kg/ha | TALL FESCUE

4% |  1kg/ha | TIMOTHY

18% |  4.5kg/ha | SAINFOIN

4% |  1kg/ha | ROZETA RED CLOVER

4% |  1kg/ha | LUCERNE

4% |  1kg/ha | (ML) WHITE CLOVER

2.5% |  0.6kg/ha | BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL

2% |  0.5kg/ha | RIBGRASS

3.5% |  0.9kg/ha | SALAD BURNET

4% |  1kg/ha | CHICORY

100% |  25kg/ha 

SOWING RATE: 25kg/ha

SFI PAYMENT: £382/ha

KEY BENEFITS: Benefits to forage, livestock health, and soil fertility. Stress tolerance.


This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

You must not enter any area within a land parcel into this action that is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), because herbal leys are not appropriate for these settings and can cause significant damage, and/or contains historic or archaeological features identified in your SFI HEFER – read the information about historic and archaeological features, including scheduled monuments to find out more about the SFI HEFER.

You should also not enter any area of land into this action that has peaty soil because this action could damage peat. Peaty soil means there’s around 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SAM3 | Herbal Diverse Mix GS4

14.5% |  4.6kg/ha | FESTULOLIUM (M/F)

10.7% |  3.4kg/ha | COCKSFOOT

12.5% |  4kg/ha | MEADOW FESCUE

10.7% |  3.4kg/ha | STRONG CREEPING RED FESCUE

10.7% |  3.4kg/ha | TIMOTHY

7.1% |  2.3kg/ha | TALL FESCUE

3.5% |  1.1kg/ha | LUCERNE

5.4% |  1.7kg/ha | ROZETA RED CLOVER

5.3% |  1.7kg/ha | RIVENDELL (SL)

3.5% |  1.1kg/ha | SAINFOIN

3.5% |  1.1kg/ha | ALSIKE CLOVER

3.5% |  1.1kg/ha | BIRDSFOOT TREFOIL

2.1% |  0.7kg/ha | CHICORY

0.7% |  0.2kg/ha | SHEEPS PARSLEY

3.5% |  1.1kg/ha | SALAD BURNET

2.5% |  0.8kg/ha | RIBGRASS

0.3% |  0.1kg/ha | YARROW

100% |  32kg/ha 

SOWING RATE: 32kg/ha

SFI PAYMENT: £382/ha

KEY BENEFITS: Benefits to forage, livestock health, and soil fertility. Stress tolerance.


This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

You must not enter any area within a land parcel into this action that is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), because herbal leys are not appropriate for these settings and can cause significant damage, and/or contains historic or archaeological features identified in your SFI HEFER – read the information about historic and archaeological features, including scheduled monuments to find out more about the SFI HEFER.

You should also not enter any area of land into this action that has peaty soil because this action could damage peat. Peaty soil means there’s around 20% or more organic matter to a depth of 40cm or more.

SAM3: Herbal Leys FAQs

What is the aim of the SAM3 SFI action?

This action’s aim is to provide varied root structures. This purpose of this is to help improve and maintain the soil’s structure, carbon, biology and fertility.

Which seed mix should I choose for the SAM3 SFI application?

You must establish and maintain herbal leys with a mixture of grasses, legumes, and herbs on the land entered into this action.

You can maintain an existing herbal ley to meet this action. However, you can only do this if it’s not already being paid for under another environmental land management scheme option.

Where and when should I sow an SAM3 seed mixture?

You can do this action on eligible agricultural land (FAO1, TG01, and PG01) located below the moorland line.

If you’re doing this action on the same area of land for the 3-year duration of your SFI agreement, you must establish the herbal leys within the first 12 months of your SFI agreement, and maintain the area of herbal leys in each subsequent year of your SFI agreement.

What Actions or options can be located on the same area as SAM3 SFI action?


SFI 2023    SAM1, IPM1, NUM1

CS                OR3, OT1, OT3, OR1

ES                No ES revenue options

SFI pilot     No area-based SFI pilot standards

Use the CS grant finder to search for the CS option codes shown above.

The SFI actions for hedgerows (HRW1, HRW2 and HRW3), CS option BE3 and the introductory level of the SFI pilot hedgerows standard can be done on the eligible boundaries of a land parcel entered into SAM3.

If an action or option cannot be located on the same area within a land parcel as SAM3, this is because it’s not an eligible land type, or the activities are incompatible, or you would be paid twice for doing the same activities on the same land. In this case, that area will be automatically removed from the affected land parcel’s SFI available area in your SFI application.

If this is the case, you may be able to do the action on a different area in the same land parcel if it’s an eligible land type for the action or option, it’s a part-parcel action or option, or the area used for the action or option does not overlap with the area used for SAM3.

Read the information about eligibility of land used for other schemes and funding sources to find out more.

What evidence should I keep to prove I have completed SAM3 SFI action?

You should keep evidence to show what you’ve done to complete this action. This will help if it’s not clear that you’ve completed the action in a way that could reasonably be expected to achieve this action’s aim.

This evidence could include photographs and other documentation to show what you’ve done to complete this action. It could also include field operations at a land parcel level and associated invoices. If you choose to take photographs, read the guidance on how to take photographic evidence for SFI actions.

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Phone: +44 1233 720871

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Church Rd, Mersham, Ashford TN25 6NU

Phone: +44 1233 720871

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Phone: +44 1233 812237

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